For the future.
By the future.
Join CYC.
We're building a different future, together
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more about us!
No longer will we adopt a grind culture and a hyper-focus on achievement to bring about change. Instead, we are committed to living out the future we want to see, right now. By prioritizing wellness and learning, we allow youth to experience what it’s like to belong to a healthy, loving community. And that experience, coupled with a deep knowledge of complex systems, will translate to bold and wise leadership from the next generation.
Collectively, the young people of Colorado will guide us all towards a future where all people are healthy and all systems are just.
Our Vision
Within our lifetime, the collective voice of young people will be central to the social and political leadership of Colorado.
Our Mission
CYC is a statewide community that cultivates the healing and leadership of young people to guide us all into a future grounded in justice and wellbeing.
Collectively, the young people of Colorado will guide us all towards a future where all people are healthy and all systems are just.
What to learn more about CYC?
Download our full strategic plan here.
Get Involved
Youth voice is critical. Adult action is too. Whether you’re a young person or an established systems leader, we hope you’ll join our movement.
See below for the ways to get involved. We’re actively recruiting youth leaders from across the state and adults who commit to authentically partnering with youth.
If you’re a student who wants change, join us
We recruit members each spring to our paid leadership program.

Involve young people in desicion-making
If you’re an adult organizational or systems leader who wants to engage young folks, we’d love to partner.
Share & receive leadership opportunities
Join our Youth Leadership Network, a communication network designed to share youth leadership opportunities statewide.

Youth voice is critical. Adult action is too. Whether you’re a young person or an established systems leader, we hope you’ll join our movement.

Become a donor!
100% of your donation goes to support student’s leadership development. We can’t do this without you and really appreciate your contribution.